Sunday, July 4, 2010


O.K…it’s been a year since the launch date of PrittieHartPress (July 4, 2009). There have been so many ups and downs throughout the year (hence, the title). Here are my achievements thus far:

A) I put over 2,000 hours into this endeavor.

B) I invested over $3,000.

C) I licensed one image and received my first royalty check of $62.

D) According to my calculations, B – C = I lost $2,938. (If you know another way of computing this into what I call “positive math,” let me know.)

E) The Alternative Humor department at American Greetings expressed interest in some of my images but, due to the fact that I want to keep the humor "clean," I scrapped that plan.

But, get this, I’M NOT QUITTING! I read the funniest blog post recently that said that some of the most successful entrepreneurs were people who kept plugging away long past the point where a sane person would call it quits. Guess you know which category I fall into :) (Refer to "E" above-who in their right mind turns down American Greetings?)