Sunday, March 14, 2010


To Bro #2 for leaving such a nice post on my blog:

Tracey: follow your passion. The only career advice Dad gave me was "find something you enjoy doing and the money will follow". Unfortunately, I never took the advice. I will be 50 this year and you continue to inspire me to search out my passion. Bro #2

and to a new friend I made this past year who posted this on my Facebook wall:

"Dearest Tracey ~ YOU are a phenomenal Lady, a beautiful person, doing an extraordinary job, making things happen for those you love, and although you might not always feel it, you are loved and appreciated."

These two comments came at a time in my life when I really, really needed to hear something positive. They made me remember how sometimes just simple acts of kindness can go a long way toward helping someone feel to all those people who make the world just a little bit better and brighter, thank you.

1 comment:

  1. OH, Tracey.
    I hope you are ok. I was thinking of you only yesterday & was planning on touching base today. Hang in there, kiddo. We're only just beginning to know each other, but I know that you have the strength, creativity, and soul to follow your dreams & make them happen - no matter the adversity. You have all these beautiful memories and you are honoring your family. No one else has that wonderful package of pluses!
