Sunday, July 5, 2009


and I'm still not sure the best way to go about marketing them. In addition to seeing if more local stores would carry them, I was also thinking about opening an Amazon Webstore but after doing some research, I decided not to take that route. I have applied to be a vendor at a major store and I'm waiting to hear back from them. I have a domain name registered but have no clue how to develop a website :) Actually, that's not really what's holding me back...the reason I am not really excited about establishing the website is because then you have to get into SEO and all that stuff to drive traffic to your site and I think that's more than I can deal with. In addition to selling the cards, I also thought I could sell the images on Istockphoto which would be an additional revenue source. I also need to create a Facebook and Twitter accounts in addition to my existing LinkedIn account. A good friend of mine came up with the idea of incorporating the family history on the display racks in stores which was really creative...thanks, J!

I need to get back to designing...

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